Academic Senate Exec - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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The Executive Committee shall meet the week before each regularly scheduled Senate meeting. The Executive Committee will discuss Senate business and establish the general agenda for each meeting of the full Senate. Executive Committee meeting times shall be distributed to all Senate members and other CHC Academic Senate members of the college community so that interested parties may submit requests for items to be placed on the agenda of any regularly scheduled Senate meeting.


The Executive Committee of the Senate shall be composed of the elected officers plus the Past-President or the President-Elect.

Executive Members

Member Title Release
Meridyth McLaren   President 0.80
Natalie Lopez   Vice President of Outreach 0.20
Chris Olivera

  Interim Vice President

  of Communication

Gwen DiPonio Treasurer 0.00

Meeting Schedule

 The Executive Committee meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (August - May).